There’s a new reptile shop in California, well actually it’s the oldest reptile store, but I’ll explain that in the video. In this video, I tour The Reptile Shop in their brand new Riverside, California location, and in this reptile shop tour, you’ll see bearded dragons, ball pythons, monitor lizards, and so many other reptiles, pythons, snakes, tortoises, and lizards!
New Reptile Adventures Videos every Saturday (at 9am Pacific)!
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Very cool place and cool informative lively owner. That energy is appreciated!
Dude, Timor pythons, also known as Lesser Sundas python, does NOT inhabit the island of Timor. They are not found there
Great video
I hope there’s gonna be some CA herp videos too! As always, love the content thanks Dav!
Holy what an original name idea…. Pretty sure there is a “reptile shop” in every major city
I used to go to Strickly multiple times a week when I lived in Riverside, for live feeder bugs and for my rats. So great to see it under new management and especially by someone with a good reputation and love for the hobby!
Teranchula or Temecula?
Sadly someone declared Leopard Tortoise no longer 2 sub species.
They got rid of the "larger" declaration
I can’t find the exact date, I’m guessing 2020 ish…
(which I find a load of $%!T)
Amazing new shop!
Can’t wait for your next visit there!
It’s been there closer to 30 years
It used to have a darker cave/jungle theme to it if I remember correctly
Have you been to the one in Berkeley California? I grew up going to it. Got my love of snakes there
You will have to go back in maybe 6 months and show us how there doing and if they make any changes to the store. So glad he was able to buy this place. Thanks Dav.
GOD BLESS 🦎💖🐍💖🐢💖🐸💖
Nice. I live right by here! It could definitely use an upgrade.
Don’t forget about Jim Heck !!! That’s not a true guru
Ayyy that’s by my house
I used to shop here for cricket’s and meal worms when I was a kid back in 1995, I bought my first snake here
This is SO cool…and to think, both this and the Temecula store are about 45min-1hr away from me. Time to beg a friend for a ride or two. False Water Cobras are in my list of top 10 favorite snake species. The black dragon is so beautiful and the rosy boas…..I could go on and on!
It still blows my mind that he doesn’t have more subscribers!
The green iguana sticking his head out and checking you and your camera out was a treat to watch. One of my uncles had one and he was fun to watch as a kid.
I work with Mike my name is chris I live him
I’ll definitely be checking out that shop soon BIG DOGGIE 💯👣
That shop is really cool that blood Python was ready to bite
Dude, I’ve been looking for good spots for supplies for my crested gecko and future reptiles. So far jist reptile Island in rancho but now i got another hell yeah thanks for the info.
Looks Like A Real Good Shop And They Are Taking Care Of The Animals Real Well
Did Mike work at Karlas Kritters in Hemet? Or LLL Reptiles? Or go to West Valley? I swear I’ve seen him before lol
Throw that false water on some reptichip atleast 🫠
Timor pythons are so cool – only other animal in the Malayopython genus besides the Retics, which arguably is two species/subspecies but still. Super interesting especially compared to SD Retics etc. Awesome stuff!
Some gorgeous animals! Unfortunately enclosures are slacking quite a bit but some super good variety
Kinda lost me at the fairly large water monitor in a 4x2x2 and fully lost me seeing colubrids and boas in deli cups with water dishes. Not against racks or reasonable large keeping but dang, this depressed me.
I have rough scales sand boas and I find rosy boas in Hesperia ca
I used to live in Perris California and we used to go to that reptile shop all the time
It was years ago, but I drove out there from Fullerton, and paid a hundred dollars for an adult Jeweled Lacerta.
Thank you for showing love to normal ball pythons, from a normal ball python mom.
That timor python Looks like a darker carpet python
Isn’t strictly where most the morphs came from people would go down there and go through shipments of ball pythons and pick out the weird looking ones
Awesome shop run by a professional keeper. How it should be Dav. Cheers from down under mate
Another great video dab. Cool shop
👍🫵👊🫶🏻 very nice
I concur on the rosy boas. Mine is great! I have one of the bigger localities and she’s like a whole 3′ long! Just make sure you wash hands and if they try to eat you, ramp up their prey size/frequency a smidge. 😀
It’s been Stricklys since i was a kid it’s where my first snake
Ren’s Pecs. Great episode.
Great build and utilisation of all space
I come here every friday lol
I know they just took over the place. So no disrespect, I know he’s a great dude and loves the animals. If I had any advice or things I noticed, I didn’t see much humidity in a few of those snake enclosures, and then keeping the rosys and such just in the deli cups is gonna get you lots of troll hate, even in person in the shop, just a heads up……..ppl will smack talk the smaller enclosures for a few things but those are just temporary, the deli cups though, I would do like stackable clear shoe boxes, again no disrespect, store looks nice and clean, I’m sure you guys will do a great job, best wishes, I’ll have to come check it out.
The blood is gorgeous and the false water, jealous.
are you paying me? nope!
Only thing is I feel the blue tail monitor tank is way too small , even if arboreal. Could hardly turn around
I went to Strcitly reptiles back in the early/mid 2000s. I don’t remember a ton about it as far as cleanliness but they def have been in the area for a long time. Glad to see it getting a revamp.
Oh that black and white rosy boa is sooo cute omg 🥺
What a cool shop, Mike seems very knowledgeable:))