Ranking Your Dog's FOOD! 🤔 Nutritionist's Dog Food Guide

Ranking Your Dog's FOOD! 🤔 Nutritionist's Dog Food Guide

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  1. You don’t think Ketona kibble is a good brand? Of course, along with real meat, sardines, eggs, chicken livers

  2. I’ll cut to chase.
    1. Thanks for the assessments. Very helpful.
    2. Dogs are healthiest when outside at least 50% of lives, eat once per day, and have adequate water and exercise.
    3. I have medium to large dogs. 3. And 3 cats. We feed the dogs one of any 50 lb kibble (we try another brand each new bag), mixed with cooked bones (all types), chicken, beef and eggs. We rotate these weekly. We mix it like this: 60% to 70% kibble, with 40 to 30% cooked meats (boiled eggs+shells, whole chicken/bones, broths, boiled beef bones and ground beef).

    Switching the kibble keeps any bad qualities away from being constantly fed.

  3. Hi Rachel my name is Mike love you review reviewed Science Diet 7 + for Senior Dogs and also Purina One.. and both of them would be wet dog foods

  4. Any affordable organic dog food options? I’m in the research phase of getting my first dog and would like to know more about dog food options that are healthy and affordable.

  5. Hi Rachel! I’ve followed your advice for a long time now. I feed my German Shepherd raw food (Carnivora) but my dog doesn’t want to eat it anymore and he’s so skinny! He’ll rather starve himself rather than eating his food. What should I do? I already tried switching proteins and he’ll eat it for two days and then we’ll stop again. I literally have to beg him to eat and my biggest concern is that his growth got stock at 8 months. He’s now one year. Please help! I feed him 3 patties a day, but he should be eating at least 4-5. He’s 27 kg but he’s supposed to be 34kg 😢

  6. I just went to the VET for the first time and was not given a consultation to speak about cooking for my dog that I don’t have yet. They told me to keep them on puppy dog food until slowly we could come up with a good recipe; however, my breeder is feeding them royal canine and I don’t want to give my puppy that, what would you recommend for my one month old puppy bernedoodle (bought food)until I could slowly integrate a homemade meal that I got from Dr. Judy. Please need to know by the time I pick up my puppy December 9th. Thanks in advance.

  7. Up here in Alaska, mushers prefer a high fat kibble for working sled dogs. I hunt my labs every weekday from Sept thru January and feed the highest fat/highest protein kibble on the market. I like kibble where the first ingredient is Menhaden such as Red Paw Power Edge 32 k. (32%Protein, 25% Fat)

  8. Hello Rachel. Another reviewer… ‘@user-ew3sp1hl6q 1 year ago (edited)’ mentioned she’d like to see varieties such as Royal Canin and Science Diet reviewed. I would as well, especially since my 12 year old dog has liver cancer as well as a ‘sluggish’ gallbladder and my vet seems to feel the best option for him is Science Diet Low Fat ID Digestive Care and then the Oncologist Resident caring for my dog at the Veterinary School in Columbia, MO feels he should be being fed only Royal Canin Low Fat Gastrointestinal kibble. Sooo… extremely confused??? Science Diet also has an ID Liver care kibble… first five ingredients Brewers Rice, Chicken, Chicken Fat, Egg Product, Soybean Meal. I actually contacted Science Diet a couple times attempting to garner more info as to how these ingredients would be more beneficial to my dog than a home cooked diet or the ‘gentle’ cooked frozen options that I’m currently feeding him. Their response was to follow my veterinarians suggestion. The end of this past August my vet felt Ollie was at deaths door. The past 2 months or so I’ve been feeding A Pup Above frozen gently cooked and adding blueberries with a variety of mushrooms and greens with a probiotic. Not sure how his innards are doing but outwardly he appears to be doing great. NO diarrhea… energetic with a happy wiggling butt… loving his walks again?? I’d love your opinion.

  9. Suggesting that being a human nutritionist is somehow useful here is disingenuous. Yes we may share 70-80% dna with dogs, but humans also share 70% dna with slugs and 50 percent with cabbages, so using that logic makes me skeptical about any other assumptions you make.

  10. This video is so informative & helpful:) excellent work!!❤ fyi I have 2 lovely 1 years old chihuahuas and I feed them wet food, freeze dried food and fresh food.

  11. Opinions on using raw and air dried? Can I use a combination? I’ve had the mentality of it not being okay to switch up dogs foods and to not give a variety so this is all very new to me.

  12. Just want to tell you, you convinced me to stop giving my cats kibble, your explanation of how the foods are processed. I have decided to give them freeze dried. I do give them canned but I also give them dry and now that dry will be freeze dried not kibble. Thanks

  13. Avoid: simple carbs like “rice”. Unnamed ingredients like “by-products”, “poultry”, “liver”, “egg product”. Avoid foods that have a lot of added vitamins (foods should have ingredients that provide those vitamins) a few are okay but a long list shows poor quality ingredients.

  14. Thank you for these vids. Amazing! Ive been using Northwest Naturals. Ive been using for about 9 years or more. When my local feed store changed owership they lost there contract with NWN and i couldn’t find NWN so i had to change to Stella frozen raw while the new owner worked to get a new contract with NWN and get set up. Unfortunately because of that change in food my pitty became very sick and had to be put down from some digestive problems. It was a horrible lose for me. My other 2 dogs made it threw it. We are now back on NWN and i have a new pitty pup i have him on NWN .

  15. It would be AMAZING if you could do a video on your fav low purine kibbles! I have a Dalmatian & they typically need a low purine diet & im so used to feeding foods with organ meats because of all of the health benefits 🙆🏼‍♀️

  16. Dont work with your vets. They will tell you to buy hills, Purina, or royal canin. That food is all garbage. Vets literally make money when your pet is injured and sick. They won’t tell you what will keep your animals from getting dcm. These big companies fund your vets so they have no choice, but to recommend those brands. Those companies keep the vets lights on. Please stay away from those three brands at all cost.

  17. I feed my dog BJ’s Raw Pet Food. I have tried other raw brands and I’m sold on BJ’s. I rescued my little Pitt mix a year ago and he had significant health issues. Starting in March of 2024, I transitioned him to an all raw diet and he is so healthy now. He was diagnosed with seizures but he has only had 1 seizure since I brought him home a year ago. I can’t say enough good things about BJ’s, it’s worth a look!

  18. oh boy do I need help I buy blue pate small dog but give her cooked chicken cooked meat usually what I have or dinner 3 0z. can half inthe am mixted with meat repeat at night she is 8 mixted chi help please us

  19. @rachelfusaro I have a 6 month old labradoodle who is picky with her meals. She’ll walk away when I feed her. Now I’m trying out Sundays and would love to hear your thoughts on that.

  20. Can you talk about Nutro . brand dog food?
    I like it because it has no corn no soy no GMO !
    I mix it with Purina brand chicken and brown rice, dog food for the moisture

  21. I dont see it on your list but what is your thoughts on primals kibble in the raw? I feed it to my chihuahuas and my adults love it but my puppy seems to be getting a little bored of it, I have ordered a sample of the simple food project but im hoping I havent been feeding them a bad food

  22. I make my dogs food for supper, but in the mornings I use wet food. Neither have teeth, 11 and 17. Looking for a pouch/wet food that’s actually made in the USA or Canada.

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