1. I miss seeing Big and Cody but it’s life the young bucks grow up and we pray for the very best for em god bless. And I’m sorry if I’m my message seems inconsiderate I bet you and ma miss your kids way more wasn’t trying to rub in anything just remembered these times. Better to come 😊

  2. Good info here, ive just got a another pup and this is exactly what he gets now. I to agree that it makes them eat more and that added calcium will help with bone and joint development. I will say also any new pup owners , with these dogs you must make sure that when they are putting on weight that they are not jumping of the bed/sofa and going up and down stairs, it can cause major problems and a lot of money for that pup later in life. So make some puppy steps with cushions or pillows so they are not just jumping off on to a hard floor. And carry them down the stairs in your house and when your out and about. This is all for per owners of course as most kennels will not have the dogs on sofas or beds etc.

  3. I just want to say thank you for getting straight to the business unlike these other channels that just fucking ramble

  4. Why do you feed puppy chow … instead of better quality? I’m not dissing you at all, I’m a subscriber and love your work just curious .

  5. Should I be feeding my pocket bully puppy grain or grain free kibbles ? Or does that really matter unless they are allergic to grains??

  6. Hey boss. Quick question. I have a 10 month Dogo Argentino who’s 29 at the withers and 103 lbs. I wanna incorporate this into his diet the powder milk. About how much should I ad per meal?

  7. The supplements are completely unnecessary unless you want a dog with joint disorders when their older since these supplements make their growth spike.

  8. Can I give ultra 24 to my adult dog? She lost alot of weight she an American bully. If so how much powder to water do I give her

  9. I give my American Bully puppy Blue Buffalo’s Lamb and Oatmeal…when he becomes an adult I will give him Blue Buffalo’s Lamb and Brown Rice…he has muscles and a shiny coat…he loves it!

  10. I put the lid on a slightly bigger jar than that one and shake it really good. It makes the milk mix easier. Its actually a large mayo jar I washes out.

  11. We just had 11 staffordshire brindle(mom) with xxl bullie (dad) pups.. they are going on 3 weeks and I make this I let the food get soft then use a blinder

  12. I do the same with my Bullies, except I don’t use the milk replacer. They don’t seem to like for one reason or another. I also use Maximum Bully instead of Puppy Chow. This is a great btw, its what I watched b4 my Bullies were born. Thanks guys.

  13. I tried this for my akita malamul mix puppies and it made there stumicks hard is that normal I’m thing on doing pumpkin instead but it could just be the breed

  14. Do you give them ultra 24 in every meal of the day ? Up to how old do you give them ultra 24 ??what about the dyne every single meal ? When do you stop the dyne?

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