Custom Reptile Habitats Kingsnake Bioactive Enclosure REVIEW!

Custom Reptile Habitats Kingsnake Bioactive Enclosure REVIEW!

My Eastern Kingsnake outgrew her enclosure so I went on a search for the BEST PVC Reptile Enclosure! The one name that kept coming up time and again was Custom Reptile Habitats. They were kind enough to send out a 4x2x2 enclosure in exchange for my honest review. So this week I show you how I set this bioactive enclosure up for my kingsnake and give my honest thoughts and opinions about their product.

Custom Reptile Habitats:

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#bioactive #TarantulaCollective #kingsnake


  1. I don’t trust those Isopodas and spring tails to stay in the enclosure. I am for naturalistic enclosures with plants, because those keep the humidity up.

  2. Awww! She looks super happy in there! She seems like a really active and curious snake- wonderful for her to have so much room to cruise around and explore. The enclosure came out beautifully, too! Nice work! 😄

  3. What an awesome build! I do all my enclosures as bioactive. And people who don’t like them are boring people and eat their spaghetti with ketchup

  4. Hey! I know this is an older video but i have a question. My brooks kingsnake loves dirt and he used to have a bioactive enclosure but CONSTANTLY got soil mites no matter what i did. I eventually had to keep him on puppy pads with a large water bowl and a single tub of dirt. I want to redo his enclosure again but wanted advice on what to do. Ive bakes the soil prior to putting it in the cage, ive given him a bath, used mite spray and oil on the enclosure, washed all of the items in his tank and everything. He needs high humidity so the mites keep coming back. Any recommendations?

  5. What a gorgeous creature she is n it looks like she’s luvin her new crib you can see all your animals are well looked after Richard …

  6. How do you get the substrate to stick to the spray foam? Do you have to cover it with anything or does it simply just stick

  7. I do not have snakes or tarantulas but I love this Channel and I recommend it to everybody. It’s just amazing what you can do with these tanks I love them

  8. Absolutely brilliant Richard, that enclosure turned out fantastic, definitely worth investing in, if you keep reptiles.

  9. Love the video like always! It’d be really nice to see you do a husbandry and care video on the M. Robustum! Just got mine today and I’m already falling in love with the species

  10. i am starting my own reptile room and will be vlogging the whole thing i am hoping to work up to this a bit to pricey for me as of now

  11. Really really like the look and features of thier envlosures, but fixed income and a son means still a dream forn me… probly whatvkeeps me for becoming a reptile holder tarantulas and spiders are easier to keep happy lol

  12. Just got a Florida brooks king snake. Couldn’t turn down the it was a return deal.. and I’ve always wanted a king.

  13. Looking good sir. Speaking of looking good I got many a compliment on my tarantula collective t-shirt at the TOOL concert in Chicago last night!!!

  14. My 7-year-old son asked for an Asian Forest Scorpion for his birthday this year, and my only concern was that his kingsnake (I believe he’s an outer banks kingsnake) was growing too large for his enclosure. My conditions were that he had to research how to care for that scorpion and what we would need to set up a habitat for it. The first video that we saw was the husbandry video for yours, which was absolutely amazing! Then I told my son we needed to upgrade our kingsnake, and I am 100% all for creating an ecosystem for him, so I searched for a bioactive enclosure for him, and once again, your video was the first to pop up! I had no idea how to do it, and I was being told by others that snakes will destroy any plants you put in there, or it’s not easy to keep it maintained. We will be mimicking the one in this video, and adding a few of our personal flares. I know this is an older video, but it still applies, and I am super excited about getting our kingsnake setup.

  15. Liked and watched to help you out but Ts are more what I like to see from you on this channel! Thanks for showing us your beautiful snake NOLA. If that stands for New Orleans, LA I’ve been there a lot!

  16. great video as always! i was wondering if you could possibly do a video on the Theraphosinae sp, piura? or even just pass on some information about them to me! I received one within a mystery box but am struggling to find much about them, Thanks 😀

  17. Very nice. I also have an Eastern kingsnake and Eastern hognose that I’m wanting to build bioactive enclosures for but it’s all new to me. What type plants did you use?

  18. Probably gonna get a 6′ and 8′ for my gray banded king and blood python, respectively. Super nice enclosures.

  19. That tank looks real awesome well done. Wish I had that kind of money to get his enclosures. Bio Dude has great products also.
    Happy snake 🐍🐍
    GOD BLESS 🕷💖🐍💖🕷💖

  20. Please don’t change the backsong at the beginning of the video. I really like it. Especially ur editing skill’s n shoot. Amazing 🔥
    And ur explanation was easy to understand keep it up 🔥

  21. Wow impressive build. I gotta be brave enough to try carving a foam background. Thanks for doing some myth busting. Nola is gonna thrive in that setup.

  22. Can you do more tarantula documentary maybe in far away exotic country also add adventure and drama like maybe crashing a local drug syndicate or wild life poachers etc.

  23. Have you ever tried carving out a custom rock background using XPS insulation board? It’s very cost effective, and imo it turns out really nice if you have a vision for what you want it to look like. Serpadesign and Troy Goldberg have shown this technique a lot.

    I ask because I used to think the expanding foam option was cool until I tried it myself and realized how annoying the stuff is to work with. And it never comes off whatever you put it on.

  24. What a pretty king snake.

    "Some reptile people are against bioactive …" – Whoa! Shots fired, buddy! 🤣I have a little pet peeve for that like I imagine tarantula keepers would if I said "Tarantula people favor peanut jars for enclosures with aquarium gravel for substrate". Don’t believe the hype – people have been keeping kings and corns on bioactive (or pretty close) for decades with very naturalistic environments. It’s only recently that everyone decided all snake keepers put their animals in tubs because the only thing people are familiar with is YouTubers reacting to large breeders that are YouTubers!

    For exotics communities I don’t think we’ll ever solve the tarantula keeper who has been "doing this for 15 years" with aquarium gravel or the ball python keeper who has been "doing this for 15 years" with a sterilite box but the social media battles and gatekeeping should end. I know that isn’t what you were doing but be careful of those invisible lines people want to draw! 🙂

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